Space Bomb 50MM Macro Day 52 Photoshoot


Well-Known Member
This strain is rumored to be Hightimes strain of the year :)
We shall know very soon as the dec issue isnt far away.

Space BOmb


Well-Known Member
I've got one that's about ready, and a few more full season. one is pale green(regardless of extra nitrogen), it's 3X as fuzzy as the rest with fat pistils...and probably 1/2 the yield. it must be the cindy pheno...I need a real digital slr with the macro, and a boss that doesn't have a 4 alarm freakout every time I take pics!- we ARE on the medical after all.

Well-Known Member
like I said to you before, you're about to go supernova....congrat's. I've got the full spread of phenos between spacebomb and vortex; from the 'apollo frosty' dominant vortex, to(an early fav')-the spacequeen dominant vortex-'spacetex', and the spacebombs from the pale green ultra frosty cindyQ, to the more romulan sweet pheno that's more meaty...and what'dya know? I'm probably one of maybe 10 people in this county(if that) who's got the goods! I can't wait for THAT centerfold! I just wonder how their p.r. people will handle the scamabus cup I said before: it is the premier weed mag....-that sold out before it left illinois.(wanna' buy some fake weed?!!)-I find that kind of behavior unconscionable. I'm also a loyal ed rosenthal fan. anyway, it IS high times, and the name alone carries enormous weight. so you better get your spanish pirates movin', Sub'; 'cause they're about to get busy!


Well-Known Member
Man I just love all of your strains. I wish for my sake there was fem versions so I could get some. I can't justify growing a plant out for 2 months to find out it is a male. I'd be pretty darn pissed off. Anyways love the shots as always, I'm pulling for ya on the strain of the year award from HT. When that issue comes out I will definately be picking it up.


Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Picked up five strains and will be posting journals on all strains.Im looking for the tiny bomb pheno or just any good keeper.Im tired of dutch seeds,seem like they are getting stale.What pheno of JTR would you keep for a speedy high ?100% germed and are vegging fast(34 seeds)

Well-Known Member
I don't have a female tiny, and I'm still ultra stoked! I'd love to save the romulan pheno for a mother, but my growroom space is limited, so it's that or the crazy apollo vortex; which I now need a 12 step program for!


Well-Known Member
Which phenos do you like the best after you have smoked them. Im in the process or ordering both spacebomb and vortex. Im looking for the most sativa pheno out of vortex...and indica out of space bomb...which do you recomend? any help is a great plus!


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty busy right I'd say grow 'em out, and you'll know 3/4 the way through, which to keep. it can be an excruciating choice! like- which child do I leave for dead to save the other!


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty busy right I'd say grow 'em out, and you'll know 3/4 the way through, which to keep. it can be an excruciating choice! like- which child do I leave for dead to save the other!

haha, i'll bet:mrgreen: Subcool is the man..I've been watching him for a few years now, and he just amazes me:clap: I finally am ready to grow some of green avengers goodies! Pandoras box first...I'll put up a journal when i do start it! those are some sweet looking plants:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Most people harvest SB between 50 and 60 days according to the taste they want I pull at 55 these days



Well-Known Member
ive got a pile of shit cracking right now and have a seed pack of space bomb..whats does the tiny bomb pheno look like if i may ask?ill be looking for that one for sure as all of you seem to be salavating over it..