Space Wrangler F2 Indoor Grow Journal

Hey guys,
I have a Space Wrangler F2 growing in soil. I bought some organic soil from the local nursery. I am using the Fox Farm Trio for nutrients. It has been growing under a Viaspectra 250 w Led with 8 T8 Fluorescent bulbs. It was placed in soil on June 6th. It started outside but got moved in because of the bugs. Here is a set up of my closet and some recent pics of the Space Wrangler. This is only my second grow so we will see how this turns out. First plant was a male..... bummer.


Oh shit guys..... Ok so the Space Wrangler has been outside for a few days now and I haven't watered it because it rained heavily yesterday morning. Yes ter I noticed the leaves starting to curl upwards and then today.... womp womp womp.... I have no idea what's going on. This is my list of thing that could have went wrong...

1. Closet was at a steady 77 degrees f. Outside from 9am- 7pm it's about 92-95. would a drastic change do that?

2.the heavy rain flushed out all the nutrients and now it is starving for them or the heavy rain didn't allow the soil to dry and is essentially over watered?

3. Google said it needs phosphorus? ????

A few to pics so you can see how great she was doing to know how bad she is

