spacing out!


Well-Known Member
But can I do it even if I'm in flower? And how would u do it
Tie, bend or break. The more aggressive you are the more it will stress things. You can literally snap a branch and learn it hang. As long as it doesnt fall below the canopy it will bounce back in a day.

I like to treat my girl as gentle as possible but its only personal preference. Cannabis is an extremely robust plant and if given optimal grow conditions can take a serious beating!!!

I usually train through stretch amd let things sit the last half


Well-Known Member
Am uploading a quick video of super crop and lst. It's easy, will post the video here when it's done uploading.


Well-Known Member
yes sir, you can, I do it up through week 5ish (until they are totally done growing upwards). Anytime a branch grows too tall for my liking I super crop, but usually after week 4 or 5 they are done growing so there won't be a need to do it


Well-Known Member
One tip for supercropping, it's harder to do on the stems are are really hard, it's much easier to do it on the softer stems, the ones I did it on in the video were pretty hard though, but it still works fine, but they can break easier the harder the stem is

joe godbud

Tried the lst. Looks like I kinda split a big branch at the main stem but it barely rip it but still a little I hope it dosent. Mess it up was a big big branch:dunce::wall:


Well-Known Member
Oh my that is one beautiful plant! Kind of reminds of me a poinsettia at Christmas time sold in stores.