Speak to Power Legalization Must Become an Issue in the National Election

Legalization needs to be an issue in the national election. I really thought that Obama was going to do something about the travesty when I supported him in 2008, but he has only ramped up the war on drugs. Him and his party need to be made aware that many of his votes in 2008 came from smokers and that he will lose those votes if he continues his support of these disastrous policies. IMHO, if Obama does not change his stance he will lose the election, but support for legalization would get our votes and not cost him any.
People who are anti drug will support Romney no matter what.

I get emails from his campaign all the time and always reply to them with a short message and let them know that I am very angry and I am not alone. I don't know if anyone looks at them or not, I just figure that if enough of his workers get swamped with pro legalization mails maybe someone will get the message. I post to threads anywhere I can.
Theres lots of ways to make noise politely.

I really am baffled as to why Obama is so anti drug. Is he a fascist? He needs to know that he really looks like one to lots of people.

Best Wishes



Well-Known Member
Obama is not the magical negroe pot president.. According to his friend's biography he smoked tons of pot.. he would even run around the smoke circle to get a second toke and yell 'Intercepted!'
but, the instant you are chosen as a candidate - you follow the party line and letter of the law to a T.. there is no tearing apart the system from the top - he would be impeached/assassinated instantly..
i made this analogy the other day - say you are made the head of Tyson chicken - do you immediately start dismantling the chick crushers? firing all of the pig slashers? kicking everyone off of the board if they disagree? not if you want to keep your job... and that is where i believe the president's policies are made.. on the killing floor..


Well-Known Member
Obama is not the magical negroe pot president.. According to his friend's biography he smoked tons of pot.. he would even run around the smoke circle to get a second toke and yell 'Intercepted!'
this may become my signature. lol.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you. It should be made into a national issue. The economy is the most important issue for the majority of the nation and I think this will be the focus of the election. Many people are more convened about jobs and growth rather than marijuana legalization. However if you tied legalization to the tails of jobs and more growth it might help. Another way to look at it is in the view of a culture war. The GOP is always bringing up abortion and/or gay rights and now contraception as a campaign issue. I think this is a worthwhile issue to bring against them as it shows a lack of progress on their part.


Well-Known Member
the problem with legalizing is the medical everyone is for medical and they wan't their money and their against legalizing. plus big companys will be the only growers like tabaco and beer you will need a lot of money to start a buisness. but I think the medical marijuana is holding us back espeacialy the hypocrits in the buisness who where against legalization in calli they don't wan't competition they make millions if it where legal the price would drop and the only thing the politics will talk about is medical. it should be legal for adults our ancestors came here for freedom and now where no better than the lands we left. europe is more leanant on weed than america the land of the free home of the brave smells like bullshit to me. in my state you can do 1 year in jail for possesion of any amount of weed even a stem.


Well-Known Member
People who were crazy enough to even remotely believe that Obama ould 'legalize' marijuana...were sadly misled. The people who spouted that propaganda during his election should be drawn and quartered. Of COURSE you will get young people to vote for you, if you lie like that, DOH!

History, on the other hand, tells a different story. The whole 'Reefer Madness' propaganda campaign STARTED with accusations of 'Black Jazz musicians and Mexicans' that smoked 'reefer' cigarettes. Obama would have NEVER garnered enough support to pull off something like that since half the country didn't vote for him anyway- so getting a majority following, to pull off the next to impossible feat was doomed from the start. And people voted for THAT? Why?

And you DO NOT NEED to make Marijuana legal nationwide just yet,(even though we are pushing that in Colorado this November) All you have to do is legalize HEMP first. It solves the important economy issues better than Marijuana can (right now) and will pave the road to legalization. Mark my words.