speaker box lighting


New Member
My speaker inside dimensions are 16.5" wide x 10.5" deep x 29" high.

Was planning on using an adjustable hight strip outlet with 3 outlet to socket and 2 twin sockets for flower.
(3) 23 watt/ 100 eq 5000k day for veg
(5) 42 watt/ 150 eq 2700k soft for flower

Will this be enough light?
May use a scrog if that matters, maybe 2 plants if possible.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's enough light for one plant. I would be worried about trying to fit two flowering plants into that space.


New Member
I have a 400w HPS ballast and a 250w bulb. Is this to much for such a small grow area? I think due to the small size the heat will be to much to handle.


Well-Known Member
I think your grow space is too small for a 250w HPS. You'll struggle to manage the heat output, and with low grow height in your box, you risk bleaching the plant.

With tight spaces like your grow box, it's perhaps best to stick to CFLs - low heat signature and can be positioned to within an inch (or so) of the plant.

Pics of your setup?


New Member
That's what I was thinking too. I'm going to go with the CFL's and if I continue I will use it in the dresser I would convert.

No pictures yet, still planning. Looking to start the build this weekend. Once I do ill be posting the process for the much needed guidance.