Special Queen#1


my weed.jpgPhoto0406.jpgPhoto0405.jpg hi ppl due to bad advice received i chopped all the leaves off week 4 of bloom .even tho the leaves have taken 2 weeks to grow back the plant looks pretty healthy but there is not alot happening bud wise? i started them from seed. flowering time stated on the packet said 7 weeks im now into week 6 as u can see by the pics theres not alot of bud ppl r telling me just to leave them longer than the 7 weeks flowering any advice would be welcomed as i am a first time grower ,cheers for taking the time to look .


Active Member
at least 3 more weeks there, they fatten up like fuck in the final 2 weeks so resist temptation and LEAVE THEM ALONE;) Nows the time to add some pk13-14 or similar for the final fat bud your looking for


i have got ghe ripen been told to use that for the last 10 days but that kills your plant off or so i av been told ,so do u reckon i should leave them on bloom and buddy for a few more weeks then add the ghe ripen . will add better pics inabit so u can see them better thanks for your reply stickybob most helpfull


Active Member
My advise is not to post the same thread under different headings....you will get more help if you post it once where it needs to be.....