I'm not an entimologist but I'm pretty sure spiders are good critters to have cause they eat the bad critters. Unless of course if you're arachnaphobic then no spider is a good spider lol. So if those are spiders and not some other spider-like critter they won't eat your plants. Hard to see in the pic tho. Anyone else? Peace.
Might try DE (diatomacious earth) Food grade, not industrial/filter grade. Maybe scoop the top dirt off and put that outside. May be regional? Then again, perhaps you're already outside. Nature patrols itself, generally speaking.
I have no idea what neem oil is or DE or know where to get it. Im heading to lowes tomorrow ill take a look around for organic pest decides real week ones that i know wont hurt it. It shouldnt take much my guess is that a mom spider laid eggs in my soil and they just hatched. I do have a spider fobia so that bitch is going outside haha. I take it in because of juevinal fuck middle schoolers lurking near my yard but im sure it will be fine thanks for the help all.