Spider Mite Infestation in Flower


Active Member
Another giant bump in the road of my first grow. It seems that overnight spider mites have become out of control on 3 out of my six plants, the other three don't show any signs yet, no visible white spots of mites. I decided to remove the affected 3 and chop em for hash. I am several weeks into flower so from what I read it's too late to spray anything.

I took the healthy 3 out and carefully wiped every leaf down with organic insecticidal soap. I deep cleaned my grow room and put them back in there and plan to do the same thing again in a few days. Any other suggestions appreciated, another learning experience under my belt :(

Freddie Millergogo

Well-Known Member
Dr. Bronner's Peppermint soap which is filled with oils. This guy says add a pinch of cinnamon. Bronners says a pinch of Caynne. You can get those spices at the Dollar Store.

Bronner's is at any drug store and decent grocery store. It is $11.99 for 32 oz at King Soupers/Safeway. They have a store brand for $9.99 which is a clone of Bronners.