Spider mite on harvest ! What should i do


Well-Known Member
Ok first of all iv deffo seen a thread on here before about this and im not able to find it in search so sorry for asking it again.

Iv just harvested one of my plants, i never noticed any spidermite on the plant while she was growing, and the plants health was fine... took my plant to trim it all up ready for drying and there was a load of spider mite in the trimmings which i was going to use for hash ! so i threw it all away...

Just wondering what can i do to make sure there are non left on the bud when its dry ?? any help will be appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
oh man!! that sucks. can i ask you how you know for sure they are spider mites? im asking because i have a pest problem. ive had these pests for weeks, if not months. they are destroying leafs. but nothing major. at least not for me, although it is starting to become rather alarming. i have never seen a web. so, im not positive they are spider mites. but that is what i have been told. i thought they may be thripes. but its hard to tell. they are skinny little creatures that are black and white. they walk with there ass in the air. they are slanted like there heads are heavy or something. there babies are one color, white! either that is babies or i have 2 problems. either or i have plants in veg and plants in flower. i have been usign soapy water on the vegative plants and although it seems to be working they are not fully gone yet. i am picking up some Neem oil or Mighty Wash this afternoon. but i need to know that if these mites are not mites, then what else can i do? if they are not mites will the Mighty Wash still work? sorry to intrude on your topic. but i just thought we could kill 2 birds with one stone. sort of the same problem. not really but bugs are bugs...lol! sorry bout your problem. that would piss me off more then anything. i feel for you man.
thats sucks but after harvest its hard ,if there still alive youll have to bomb a box with the bud in it,hydro store sell spider mite sprays,but it has to be one for fruit and veg. They sale organic sprays but some will change the smell and taste. You still might have dead ones in it hard to see ,not alot if any. Im sure we have all smoked weed that had spidermites at one time. My friends plants got them from clones he bought .he controld them but he had fogged his plants a day before harvest I have smoked his weed didnt notice any difference alot of peolpe have smoked it no one hurt just high. After dry look at it make your decision youll smoke it as long as there arent real bad.good luck. Only organic sprays
Het smokey i got you man. I have battled those little bastards for three months before I tried the following steps. Please keep in mind that this was after I used neem oil tobacco tea dr dooms bomb and other techniques. All that these other things did nothing but stop them for a few days only to return twice as bad. What you need to do bud is to go to Home depot and get the HOT SHOT no pest strip . When your lights are off put it in the direct area above your plants for at least 4 days, because the eggs take three days to hatch so 4 days gives you definate results. The trick to this smokey is to keep your fan off as to let the active ingredient permeate the air okay. Now after that you can take it away from your direct area and put it in the same room as your grow room is in and leave it there until you feel comfortable taking it out . My suggestion would be at least a wweek and a half insuring those bastards dont come back cause believe me they seem immortal lolol . This is the only surefire way to get rid of them and i used mine in budding and never have seen one alive since although i have seen quite a few dead ones after this treatment. THIS REALLY WORKS BRO!!!! I hope you dont go and waste a bunch of money on sprays and all these other ways that i tried to get to work , because they dont work good luck leave me a msg on my profile and let me know how it goes PEACEthe SIZZ Oh by the way only put your fans off when the lights are out as you dont want to raise temps either and you sure dont want a fire


It's too late now,don't use anything!!!!!
The bugs will go away after you cut the plant and manicure it!!! I also have those fuckers and all i can do is spray them with water in the morning that keeps the population down.
Hey tantien I know that it does seem kinda late for him however this got rid of thousands of mites in the last two weeks of budding for several plants for me ultimately saving me 8 ozs of good bud that would have been ruined do to those little fuckers actually going into my buds. What also helps is the fact that all the trichs are gooey and help to trap mites so they cant get into the actual bud. Its the only thing that you can use during flowering that you dont have to spray which also adds to the possibility of mold. keeping your temps real low is a major reproduction deterrent for them too as well as high humidity. ttyl PEACE the SIZZZ