Spider Mite Problem or other insect?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Noticed this morning I have a very fine web at the base of the leaves where it meets the leave stem (not the stalk). I can not actually see any insects but appears there are some forming in the web I described. Ten days until harvest and just started final flush. Should I get something to kill them in case they are bugs? Thanks in advance for any input.


Well-Known Member
I would try using compressed air to blow the webs out and the bugs off, around 35- 45 psi should do it and not destroy your buds


Active Member
Sounds like spider mites to me. Compressed air is a good idea. I do know there are pyrethrin sprays that can be applied up to the day before harvest such as End All and Organicide, but I personally don't use them anymore. I blast them with a fine shower head and let them run down the drain. The oils on the buds protect the flower and I've seen no negative results. Be sure to dry the plants or have good air circlation in your area before putting them back in or you risk mildew and other high humidity issues if you try this.