Spider Mites at Harvest......


Well-Known Member
So my harvest window just opened up and I'm looking at my girls with a microscope to see what's going on. Things are looking nice, 85% cloud, 5% clear, and 10%amber. Great. Until I saw my first spider mite. FUCK! WTF IS THAT!? figured it was a spider mite looked up spider mites and lo and behold, they're spider mites. Now the speckling makes sense that wasn't a deficiency so what now? I'm ready to cut and my girls are crawling with these motherfuckers. Now from what I've read the last couple hours trolling around my best option seems to be a hot 15min bath in 115F water to kill these fuckers and then hang in front of a fan to dry up the excess water. No webs yet just tons of the little fuckers. Upon closer examination they can be clearly seen top and bottom. Leaves are fully speckeld. Just wondering what your thoughts and opinions are.View attachment 3750313


Well-Known Member
HMMMM...2 things...1st...all living things excrete waste in one form or another. Personally, I am not crazy about the thought of inhaling mite shit. Now, a possible practical solution may be to get some twine and soak both ends of it in sugar water. String the twine through the budz. The mites 'should' and hopefully will be attracted to the sugar and abandon the plants. I saw a video on this once...and I believe it was Jorge Cervantes...and if that guy says so....it is so. There are many threads and posts on spider mites all over RIU...There are so many actually it is a worse infestation than spider mites themselves! LOL!!! There is also a myriad of videos on you tube.However, so close to harvest it may be like throwing a glass of water at a 3 alarm fire. Either way, when you remove your gurlz from the grow area...completely clean and even sterilize with a light bleach solution.

2nd...next grow it may be prudent to research discolorations, illnesses, deficiencies, and of course cannabis pests...at the first sign of detection. This damage could have been avoided. Please understand I am trying to be helpful. I do not want to come off as insulting. If it were not for the critters the budz themselves look great. So, I am sure you will be much more successful in the future.
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Well-Known Member
HMMMM...2 things...1st...all living things excrete waste in one form or another. Personally, I am not crazy about the thought of inhaling mite shit. Now, a possible practical solution may be to get some twine and soak both ends of it in sugar water. String the twine through the budz. The mites 'should' and hopefully will be attracted to the sugar and abandon the plants. I saw a video on this once...and I believe it was Jorge Cervantes...and if that guy says so....it is so. However, so close to harvest it may be like throwing a glass of water at a 3 alarm fire. Either way, when you remove your gurlz from the grow area...completely clean and even sterilize with a light bleach solution.

2nd...next grow it may be prudent to research discolorations, illnesses, deficiencies, and of course cannabis pests...at the first sign of detection. This damage could have been avoided. Please understand I am trying to be helpful. I do not want to come off as insulting. If it were not for the critters the budz themselves look great. So, I am sure you will be much more successful in the future.
You could have posted in the identical thread that has 73 vies and 11 replies mate.


Well-Known Member
HMMMM...2 things...1st...all living things excrete waste in one form or another. Personally, I am not crazy about the thought of inhaling mite shit. Now, a possible practical solution may be to get some twine and soak both ends of it in sugar water. String the twine through the budz. The mites 'should' and hopefully will be attracted to the sugar and abandon the plants. I saw a video on this once...and I believe it was Jorge Cervantes...and if that guy says so....it is so. There are many threads and posts on spider mites all over RIU...There are so many actually it is a worse infestation than spider mites themselves! LOL!!! There is also a myriad of videos on you tube.However, so close to harvest it may be like throwing a glass of water at a 3 alarm fire. Either way, when you remove your gurlz from the grow area...completely clean and even sterilize with a light bleach solution.

2nd...next grow it may be prudent to research discolorations, illnesses, deficiencies, and of course cannabis pests...at the first sign of detection. This damage could have been avoided. Please understand I am trying to be helpful. I do not want to come off as insulting. If it were not for the critters the budz themselves look great. So, I am sure you will be much more successful in the future.

Firstly, no insult taken. Usually I am more prudent but was taking a extreme casual approach due to poor environmental conditions. I am 100% to blame and I remember the exact time I noticed the infestation and mistook it and shrugged it off as deficiency. Either way, had a change of heart and decided to get a small tent and a new light to grow my own. Now I have to scrub the shit outta everything:cuss:. Oh well hard lesson learned I suppose.

Sorry about the multiple post. Posted a few weeks ago and got notta. Figured that coupled with Friday night I'll post multiple to get a damn answer lol. Check out the other post they are talking about to see my girls trimmed and hanging.
- https://www.rollitup.org/t/spider-mites-at-harvest.917024/page-2
Going to see if any of the little devils come out during the night. We'll see.