Spider Mites? Chigges? Wtf?

I was busy for a couple days and didn't get a chance to look at my plants, and lo and behold when I get back I find two of them covered in webbing and a little spider creeping around. I don't know how harmful a regular spider can be to your plants but I'm sure the webs aren't beneficial at all so I removed him. Then on the other one I also had some strands of web, and found some of the topmost newest growth had been eaten. I found some chigger like red things crawling all over the pot, they kinda looked like spiders, but they were a bright red, about 5 at least. I smushmed them all so I don't have any pictures I was pretty upset about them eating the new growth because she just shot up and plus I just didn't want any to escape. Anyway, I've also been finding these armadillo type grey bugs on the bottoms of my pots.

Basically I'm wondering what these things are, if they are the culprits eating my plant, and how do I get rid of them? What's the best, most natural spray I can get to keep pests away. I heard tabasco sauce or red cayenne pepper mixed with water will keep most insects away?

Any and all suggestions and opinions on pest control are welcome!


The insects I found are red I think they were just chiggers because I found more all over another pot. I'm not sure what's goin on with the plant. Here's some more pictures of the leaves.


Well-Known Member
Where did you get you soil from? It sounds like the pests came from there. Spiders, not spider mites, are ok around plants. I use BANG for mites, and Safer soap or Neem oil for the rest of them. The pill bugs, the little armadillos like things are not a good sign as they had to come from outside or were in you soil. I would lean towards re-potting into clean soil and take a look at your roots for larvae of pests. Get a magnifying glass and look carefully at your leaves. Now is the time to kill them before the get established, because once they do they are a pain in the ass to get rid of. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Picture.jpgi use this $14.00 at home depot it takes care of a lot of things it seems that every grow in the summer months i get spidermites
the soil was reused from last years annuals. I cooked the soil to over 140f so it should have easily killed anything. the pill bugs are everywhere too all over my flowers and other plants. I think at the moment they were just on the bottom of my pot but it sems they were trying to sneak in through the holes.

Read a post about using habanero peppers, might do that as apposed to the pesticide, sounds less harmful. Anyone know if this is ok with any hot peppers? In any forms? Can I use hot sauce or ground red cayenne pepper? Or do I have to boil down some fresh peppers?


Active Member
Well bro I always and I mean always have issues w/ spider mites, thrips, and Ghats in the summertime. I live by a forest ^_^ but anyway just mix up on a bottle 50% alcohol(91%) and 50% water. Add a few drops of dishwashing soap so its nice n bubbly and Viola! Bug killer. Spray ur top soils/around pots/wall/ even fans. Do it every 2days.

For your leave go 90%water 10%alcohol add a lil soap. Same as before but apply to cottonballs and gently wipe down ur leaves and stalk. Be careful not to saturate ur leaves.
Keep a daily visual inspection for new life.

Invest in a few sticky traps. Yellow,red,blue attract most.
For gnats just in case get a couple white bowls and simply add water n soap n sit them down. Use a sweet smelling soap :)

Just a few things I use in my garden. Hope it helps u and goodluck