Spider Mites in Veg and 4 wk into Flower


Well-Known Member
I found a few spider mites on my vegging plants... definitely from a clone since I had all my vegging plants bug free until now. I used Monterey Soil Drench and dipped all plants into it and fed them with it... that was a few days ago and I see no aphids flying around, but one of the plants has lots of webs on it so I know it did nothing for the spider mites. I just got SNS 217 and drenched the shit out of all my vegging plants so we'll see how that works. I use to use floramite for vegging plants but the hydro store didnt have any, I think I'll search that out rather than fucking around with other stuff to make sure I get rid of them without a shadow of a doubt.

Just today I also went into my flowering room and saw 1 single fan leaf that had lots of little yellow spots on it, flipped it over and it had a ton of spider mites on it with a few webs... I took that leaf off and searched every leaf in that area around it and in my entire flowering room and found 0 spider mites or even yellow leafs(this leaf was in the absolute middle of the flower room as well!). I was wondering, do spider mites travel a lot? It seems very strange that so many spider mites would be on one leaf but no others surrounding it and other leafs were touching that leaf as well(I'm sure it seems the only possibility is they rode in on me when I was going from my veg room to flower room one day and I must have extended my arm out to the middle of the grow room for some reason and they feel onto that one leaf). I'm just curious if anyone else would take the preventative measure and spray the entire flowering room down with SNS 217 or just keep an eye out? Im in week 4 of flowering and everything else looks good, looks amazing in fact... its just that one leaf that is confusing the shit out of me... the leaf was right in the smack-dab middle of the flowering room and touching other leafs but again, found absolutely no other signs of the critters anywhere

Anyone know how fast they travel? Does it makes sense that if they were only there for a couple days they were trying to set up camp on one leaf before moving to another? I usually don't see webs on leafs until there are a lot of spider mites and there were a couple small webs on that leaf but again absolutely no mite on any other leaf surrounding it. I figure now is the time to spray anything if Im going to like SNS 217 during flowering, but if I dont have to dont want to, especially in wk 4!
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your kinda fucked. I would get some azatrol and spray the shit out of the bases of all the unaffected plants and really work over the plants that are infested. then bleach the floor. and get yourself some flip flops or something for your room only so you up your chances of not getting them again.
If your hell bent on not spraying get ready for 3 consecutive afternoons of leaf cleaning with your fingers.