Spider mites in water

Sam sneak

Active Member
Now I've had afew problems with spider mites I've got rid of them now but I've got all this leaf and bud about 3 pounds of it but I make my own fertilizer out of anything from lawn clippings to seaweed and banana peels to egg shells now I'm thinking of making one out of the 3 pounds of leaf and bud that has mites on it now I've already put in drum and filled to the top with water no air gap at all I know they can't survive in water neither can there eggs so should be good to go really in a month's time just want to know others thoughts on it
Now I've had afew problems with spider mites I've got rid of them now but I've got all this leaf and bud about 3 pounds of it but I make my own fertilizer out of anything from lawn clippings to seaweed and banana peels to egg shells now I'm thinking of making one out of the 3 pounds of leaf and bud that has mites on it now I've already put in drum and filled to the top with water no air gap at all I know they can't survive in water neither can there eggs so should be good to go really in a month's time just want to know others thoughts on it
It should be bagged and gotten rid of. Either burn it or take it to the landfill. There's plenty of compostable greens to use to not even think about using pest or disease infested stuff for compost or fertilizer in my opinion. I want that crap gone as soon as I see it.
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