Spider mites.Neem oil or Lady bugs to kill em?


Well-Known Member
What is the best way to kill spider mites on an indoor crop?They're in veg mode now,About 7 weeks.Just noticed them yesterday.Should i use neem oil or lady bugs to get rid of them.Will start to flower in janurary.The plants are in soil under 400 mh and t-5s flourences w/co2.thanx;-)


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you but I can't find lady bugs in my area except during spring. I use different oils but have never had a spider mite problem. My procedure for all pests is about the same always though and I have conquered rot.

Spray with oil heavily during night schedule. Next day spray of plants with water to clear stomata (I fucking drench the plants with oils, I use a rosemary clove mix). Next day clear out any dead leaf or dying leaf etc etc. Then repeat till problem no longer exists.


Well-Known Member
Both, use neem oil until most of the problem if not all dissappears, then to keep those mites on check let some lady bugs loose in your garden they will die off when all the mites are gone.