Hello growers! I have 2 cannibas plants in a greenhouse. They have been getting infested with spidermites. I waited 1 week for my Nuke Em to arrive. I have done 2 application at normal strength. 4 cup water 2 teaspoon per plant. I still am seeing heavy infestation. I am using a $2 hair spray bottle. And soaking the plant. I was afraid to use to much. Am I doing this right... or should I be making 1 gallon per plant and soaking the piss out of them with a bug sprayer. I thought 2 plants a little hand spray would so the job. Am I being to generous. Thanks. 3 weeks almost 4 in flowering!
Mixing Rates:
- Normal Strength spray is 1 ounce Nuke Em® to 31 ounces of water.
- Enhanced Strength is 1.5 ounces of Nuke Em® to 30.5 ounces of water.
- Strong Strength is 2 ounces of Nuke Em® to 30 ounces of water.
Active IngredientsBy Weight
Citric Acid0.05%
Inert Ingredients
Water, Yeast (Enzymes), Potassium Salts of Fatty Acids,
Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate
Nuke Em mode of action is mainly a dessicant, dries out the bugs and eggs.
It's going to take quite a bit of spraying, get a bigger spray bottle. Preferably something with a wand to get in hard to reach areas, underneath the canopy.
Just need to wet every bit of leaf surface, top and bottom.
If you look at the FAQ page Question #7 (link below), it gives you a spray schedule and mix rate for infestations.
It has some tips for application at higher mix rates, read thru it.
Looks like they recommend adding a bit of surfactant at all application rates, further down the page.
