spider mites outside?


Active Member
Ok i have 1 rainbow skunk that has recently entered flowering outdoors and i constantly find cobwebs on the leaves, looks like normal spider webs to be honest, i can also see a couple of little red bugs on the leaves. there is no obvious damage to the plant and the bugs look slightly different from when i looked at some pics of spider mites. Pretty much every day im wiping of spider/ spidermite webs from my vegging plants and now my flowering one. Does anyone have any preferably organic solutions? or even any solutions for that matter. please be specific as i've never had pest problems with this being my first outdoor grow and i have no idea how to go about fixing it..


Well-Known Member
i use neem oil and pyrethrum for spider mites. both these come from plants so they are safe to use. but i wouldent use them on a flowering plant unless it just went into flowering.


Active Member
alright thanks for the quick response ill give that a try should i be using like a low ratio in water and spraying it? and i also see the bugs like on the pot is there any way to stop them from coming around or do i just keep using neem oil till they fuck off?


Well-Known Member
on the bottle i have it says to use 1/2 to 2 tablespoons i usually use 1 1/2. i use a pump sprayer which holds a gallon of water. it works better if you add a few drops of liqud dish soap to the mix. personally i also add pyrethrum, hydrogen peroxide, and a light nute mix for foliar feeding. you want to shake the oil in the bottle before you pour it in and then shake the mix a few times while your spraying (you want to mix the oil and water good). make sure to spray everything, top and bottom of leaves especially the underside cause thats where most of the spider mites will be. also spray the pot and all around it.

use all of the mix at once dont save it. do this at the end of the day when the sun is going down or it will burn your plants. 1 time every other day like monday, wednesday, friday for a week. it should take care of them. if not, continue for another week.


Active Member
i had yellow spidermite all over my early skunks and auto ak's(outdoor) and used spray safe,seems to have whooped their ass instantly,definately the stuff to use!!!


Active Member
I had a spider mite attack and i handled it with a rubbing alcohol and water mixture 50/50. Then i followed up ith a light coating of seven dust. works for me and i stick to it