spider mites?


i need some help i think my clones have spider mites the reason im thinking this is because of the lil web looking things by the base of some of them that water has built up on from me spraying the plants how do i get rid of these things so my girls can grow up big and beautiful


Active Member
google away you could get azatrol at the nursery probably the hydro store for sure..yea I would get the organic tobacco if I was doing it myseld..like I sad though google and site search will be your friend


AHHHHHHH ok wtf is really going on these aint no spider mites i went to go check my clones and 2 of em were dead lookin and when i pulled em out on the stem there was a couple of these white tiny worm looking things:cuss: what the hell are they and should i ditch this batch of clones and start over cause the web lookin shit is around the base of pretty much all of em now PLEASE HELP!?!?!?!/!