My advice after cracking a whole 20lb tank in a sealed 10x15x8 room at a slow rate of course for 3 hrs, is, dont. Save the gas for photosynthsis. I scoped right after and them fuckers were still alive. Im sure that this is a myth. I tested it double the recomended time and double the ambient ppm's.Just found a few mites on the very lowest leaves, haven't reached the buds and no "netting" like webs, except directly under a couple leaves. I'm only about a week from harvest....gonna pump my tent full of CO2 and declare war on those bastards. Wish me luck. Anyone got any other ideas for ridding these pests when you only have days left before harvest without damaging my oh so beautiful nuggets?
Ok so let me get this straight. IS a habanero solution an effective way to kill mites? DOES it harm your plants at all? Are you NOT supposed to do it during flower? I am looking for a cheap, organic solution and have read a number of posts regarding this method. I have some beautiful healthy ladies but the little bastards are slowin me down!If a small grow get Neem oil and use every 5 days for 20 days or get doctor doom bomb or get Avid mite-aside approved in Canada and sold at most hydro shops for around 50 70$. (this is nasty shit so cover up face mask and gloves fans off and leave after spraying) sounds bad but it's safe for food up to 3 days before harvest. These bastards are hard to kill so I don't mess around if I have them. The have a life cycle of 5 to 8 days so you need to repeat the treatment at least three times when using regular methods. If you have a $$ of plants using a mite-aside that is systemic is the way to go as (systemic) is like injecting something into your total body it's every where so when they feed they die, generation after generation. Which brings me to another point, I switched to organic soil gardening 5 years ago and no bugs since, I think it's the worm castings. Mites are very hard to kill and cunning if they feel threatened by bug sprays they will go into breed mode as early as day 5. Death to all mites all else fails call Billy the Exterminator.