Spider Mites

I noticed a translucent very small spider which I belive is a spider mite looking at the pics in the Grizzly post. They most likly came in the soil I justed googled and found many people complain about Miracle Gro Soil being infested with bugs, My plants are just sprouting now the first 2 days ago what would be the best way to Knock this out now.


Well-Known Member
5ml neem, 2 litres water, couple drops of dish soap....non perfumed.............shake n spray plant , pot and soil


Well-Known Member
no it wont hurt...gardeners have used it for years.....just use a few drops.....as much as it takes to get the neem oil to mix....its fantastic stuff in many ways but get cold pressed neem oil cause its the best
Upon further inspection they might not be spider mites (tho they still could be) there is what seems to be just a straight ifestation of hunreds to thousands of small translucent bugs and I have no clue if this mix you recommened will work because I have to wait till the 5th to buy the Oil could the plants survive a Bomb used to clear out a room of bugs, dont know if I have another option at this point
the plants are still sprouting so Im thinking take them out put them in cups and let the fogger do its thing but will this also make the soil unuseable


Well-Known Member
if they are translucent most likely they may be aphids..and a soapy water solution will take care of them....any garden insect soap spray will work ...or just make some with Ivory dish soap or Dr. Bronners peppermint soap and problem solved...works good for aphids
