Spidermites 2 Weeks From Harvest (HELP)


Well-Known Member
Just started flushing and noticed that there are spidermites on my plants. if its just a small amount and not an infestation will they cause any problems and is there anything i can do to get rid of them without affecting taste or quality of the bud. a picture just to get an idea of my setup and plant size/age.IMAG0244.jpg

also if anyone thinks they could guess about how much these plants will produce dried that would be nice! this will be my 1st grow ak-47 in 5 gal buckets under a 400w light with co2


Active Member
They will be an infestation in 2 weeks, and yes they will likely effect your harvest.

I've never tried it personally but I hear from quite a few people hot pepper spray is the way to go for treating plants soon to be harvested. It can be prepared by simmering (not boiling) any kind of very spicy vegetable in water. You'll probably need quite a bit of whatever vegetable you use. Then strain the veges out of the water and put in it a spray bottle. The solution shouldn't be harmful to the plants no matter what spice/vege you use so go ahead and douse you plants. After you harvest though it might be a good idea to sanitize your grow room, and treat you veg plants with neem oil and liquid dish soap.

Good luck


Active Member
Also, its hard to get a good idea of how big your plants actually are from that pic, but a rough estimate would be .75 ounces per plant dry.


Well-Known Member
alright so i have to take action. I have heard good things about mighty wash too and that you can use that close to harvest with no negative effects would that be another choice because id rather not pepperspray my ladies.

The cap

Well-Known Member
I've had the lil bastards before and tried a couple of things.. Best one I found worked was called "Kill-A-Mite" 1ml per litre works great..!!!


Active Member
alright so i have to take action. I have heard good things about mighty wash too and that you can use that close to harvest with no negative effects would that be another choice because id rather not pepperspray my ladies.
Mighty wash is worth a try I suppose. 2yrs of chemistical engineering and I have no idea what the science behind it is. From what I understand its greater than 90% water and the rest of the contents are inert. However it can't hurt. Be sure to let us know what your results are. From the little bit of research I did it seems like the community is very polarized about its effectiveness. Some people think its hocus pokus, others swear by its effectiveness. They use something called "frequency adjusted water". I can't think of what that might mean other than it somehow uses the resonance (electromagnetic I would have to guess) of water to kill spidermites.

This is purely speculation based on very little knowledge but;

Maybe they have found some combination of inert ions that when combined with either hydronium or hydroxide in a solution changes the fundemental frequency of the solution to something close to the emmission spectrum of grow lights, and when the spider mights absorb the solution their naturally chemistry is changed.

I doubt I'm right, but its an idea.

If the mightywash doesn't work out the pepperspray method is fairly safe for you plants. However before harvest I would go ahead and drench them with pure water so the pepperspray doesn't end up in the final product.


New Member
Dont spray anything on those plants if they have webs pull the webs off wash your hands get hot shot no pest strips at ace hardware or a any store with a lawn and garden section. $9 hang it close seal the area it wont leave any residue on the plants. I would say 4 ounces on the yield maybe 5unnamed.jpg


Active Member
like alpha has said,pepper spray...go to the marijuana plant problem section,then click bugs,then click on calibuzz's pepper spray solution..cheap and easy!

then always have solution for preventions,not cures...