Spidermites and essential plant oils.

    • I have discovered the use of pure essential plant oils against garden pests such as spidermites to be so effective, I want to share it with everyone, I had experienced some heartache with spidermites, and was beginning to think there was no way to win, I tried everything, spent too much money, then one day the universe gave me a break and I stumbled across this solution.
      That was a while ago now, I am sharing now because I can guarantee personally that this does work.

      Have you heard of a product called liquid lady bug ?? if not look it up, very pricey, but I make my own version much cheaper.

      Go online to buy essential oils, these need to be pure essential oil, no compromise on that, look around for a good trusted supplier, You can buy these products from stores, but you will pay alot more.
      To give an idea, I get 100ml bottles of oil, and all these ingredients you should get for around $50 total, to get started, cheaper than 1 bottle of liquid lady bug, and works out to around 30 litres worth of spray, so its around $1.50 per litre spray bottle.

      First off...Rosemary essential oil, this stuff is the bomb, also you want a bottle of peppermint, and palmarosa.
      Oh and a carrier oil, its essential to mix half half at least with the carrier oil, either olive oil or grapeseed oil. And some detergent free soap, I use lux soap powder.

      You will want to make a 2% solution, heres what I do.

      First get your spray bottle 1litre bottle. 1 1/2 tablespoon lux soap powder, and half fill with warm water. Just mix a little. Now get something to mix your oil in, a little container, and an accurate measuring device. You will add 20 mils in total to each litre mix.
      Go 5mil Rosemary 3 mil peppermint, 2 mil palmarosa 10 mill of the carrier oil, mix the oil thoroughly before adding to the water mix. Now add the oil mix, top up with some hot water, do up tight, and skake the living shit out of it.

      Now you have the best spidermite spray you can get, this not only controlls spidermites, but other bad creepy crawlies, this is 100% safe for your plant if you follow my instruction. You too, spray it all over yourself except eyes and mouth if you wish lol, and wont hurt Don't up the mix, essential oil is very potent stuff.

      It is best to do this right before lights out, and leave that fans off for at least 30 mins to let it soak into the leaves, don't be stingy with the spray, make sure every surface of the plant is covered, especially bottom of leaves.
      It is safe enough to use every day if wanted, but I find weekly applications is great. Or twice weekly for heavy infestation.

      You can go to google and search these essential oils and there benefits against garden pests and spidermites.

      I forgot to add, don't spray when the spray is still hot, and constantly stop to shake the mix as your spraying to make sure it is 100% mixed, every couple of minutes just stop and give a good shake.

      To date I have never used anything more effective, im super excited because I don't have spidermites anymore. And I tried it all.

      I want to add this mix I have just listed, I spray on my dog for flea control....100% effective. Palmarosa will keep all ticks off your dog too. My dog loves this now, every week she lays there for her spray and massage, and she smells devine now lol. I was using pyrethrum before, it works ok, but the smell is too much, yuk yuk. Summer time requires more spraying, 2 to 3 times weekly, its winter here now so im only doing 1 time a week.
      Don't ever use on a cat though, cats cant break down essential oils, and becomnes toxic to them.

      I make a mix with different oils for mozzie repellant for us people to, its so easy to do, so I hope a few more people out there get to discover this for themselves.​

      It has been found that bad bugs don't build a resistance to essential oils like they do with regular store bought products.​

What is carrier oil?
I am very interested. I wanna try this but in gallons. What would be the measurements for that?

2% strength solution would be what- 20 mLs per Litre so for a gallon, depending where you are, call it 4 litres, would be about 80 ml of essential oil per gallon

good luck!
its like a weaker basic (filler) oil that carries the special, stronger more effective oils, suspending them, giving them a platform to be delivered via that is less strong than say 100% pure- and since water and oil mix, we select another oil..vs a juice thats water based

I saw some mention olive oil or avacado oil are good carriers? Canola or Soybean? Thanks.