Spiritual Transcendence Through the use of Music.

I thought I would start a thread about people's thoughts about music and transcendence, with the aid of hallucinatory or dissociative substances. I believe that music is a powerful form of magik. From shamanism and their tribal drums, to monks chanting, music can be a harmonizer that can take any ritual, meditation, or operation to another level.
Kundalini is earth energy, when tapped into and raised through the central energy system, can purify the body mind and awaken higher consciousness. Kundalini Music is contemporary trance dance/meditation music, specifically created with the intention to activate and raise kundalini energy through the body.

I believe music can be used in kundalini meditation. I believe the right kind of music stirs the psychic snake from it's place of rest and as the kundalini rises, so do you journery deeper into the plateaus. I have seen kundalini music generators developed to stir brainwaves, and as you know, we've stumbled across our own forms of music that works for this.

I bought a singing bowl from Tibet awhile ago, i use it during meditation and chant. unfortunately i forgot which note that it resonates but it is supposed to be the tone for which AUM should be recited at and is believe to help with reincarnation. I also heard a story about the drummer from Tool, Danny Carey... who is very much into the occult says one day he found some beat that he believed opened something.. or other. I don't remember much of that story, i just thought it was cool.

Also... i believe dancing to drums/tribal music helps intensify this feeling of your connection to everything...thoughts/experiences?
I agree that music can trance someone, go astral, meditate etc. For those playing the home game, you might want to show them what you mean. lol.
tool is fucking nuts, i beleive they have tapped into what your talking about, if you could find that story ide be very very appreciative