Split AC: How to control day temp and night temp


Well-Known Member
I am thinking about getting an AC (Split Air) in the not so near future.

Now I know that I can set such a device to a certain temperature.
Let's say 80 degrees. It will work, work, work, till it is 80 degrees and then slow down or go on stand bye (maybe I do not use the correct terms. So appologies for that)

But let's say I want to use it in my grow room with 'lights on' to maintain a temperature of 80 degrees. And during lights off let's say 71 degrees.
How does this work with an AC?
Does it have a night setting?
Or is there some kind of external controller you could use (with a light cell or something?)

Really curious.
I am not that technical, so please be gentle :-)
Get a programmable digital thermostat
Is it that simple?
This shows how much I know about these things.

Then you perhaps also know this:
Let's say in the outside world it is 78 degrees. I run my lights in my room, and the temperature rises above 85 and the AC starts cooling and maintains it at 80.
In the night the outside temperature goes to 65.... The lights in my room are off. So temperature will drop after some time.
Will then my AC (if it has also a heating possibility) warm my room up to 71?
All controlled by the same programmable digital thermostat?

Where I live people don't use AC that much, and if they do, they rarely use them for heating.
That's why I ask these (in your eyes) probably stupid questions.
The answer is yes if you purchase a mini-split with a heat strip

Now talk to your dealer as some of those units won't allow auto change over but most name brand do
Is it that simple?
This shows how much I know about these things.

Then you perhaps also know this:
Let's say in the outside world it is 78 degrees. I run my lights in my room, and the temperature rises above 85 and the AC starts cooling and maintains it at 80.
In the night the outside temperature goes to 65.... The lights in my room are off. So temperature will drop after some time.
Will then my AC (if it has also a heating possibility) warm my room up to 71?
All controlled by the same programmable digital thermostat?

Where I live people don't use AC that much, and if they do, they rarely use them for heating.
That's why I ask these (in your eyes) probably stupid questions.
Check and see if they have a wired thermostat you can add on or see if the Cielo Breeze is compatible with your unit. It’s most likely compatible if yours has a wireless remote;-)
I just ordered a cielo breeze for my room haven't had time to set it up yet just came a couple days ago. I got it to try cause I wanted my temps to start dropping about an hour before lights go off that way I can pull some of the humidity out of the air before lights go off. That being said I do see a problem with the unit already as mine internet for some reason needs reset pretty often or drops connection. At that point it wouldn't drop the temp down if the internet wasn't on as the unit works thru wifi.

Trolmaster sells a stand alone as well as an add on to their hydro x controller. If you just need the mini split control then the stand alone unit would work good. It has a photo cell and switches from day to night temp, it works off the remote from the ac. It doesn't require the internet at all. If the cielo doesn't work well that's what I'm gonna go with but I wanted to try this first because I can customize the schedule better than just day/night temp. Search mango tech store for best place to buy trolmaster(this site has it's own tech support for the products they sell and seem to know how to set up better than the actual company trolmaster)
Thanks for the solutions.
But I guess these devices only will work in the US (with 110 volt)
I am European.
Well they all use an AC adapter so you could just use one for your country that puts out the same voltage. They make universal AC adapters with selectable voltage and different plug sizes.
Pebble makes another one of these controllers that my buddy has used for about 2 years and it has been reliable. It connects to your internet router and then you can control things from your smart phone.
For people who Google: I made a spelling mistake but can't fix it anymore in the post above...
It is Sensibo Sky.