Split my stalk while mainlining

doug mirabelli

Well-Known Member
I'm growing outdoors.. About a week ago i notice a small slit in the stalk ( topped at second node). I taped it with some weaker version of duct tape. I checked today to see it loosely on the stalk with snails and bugs crawling inside the, now bigger, split in the stalk. I sprayed captain jack's inside the split and filled with super glue. Fuck, superglue sounds horrible, but I cant have bugs crawling inside the stalk either. Did I ruin this plant? Should I take clones off of it while I still can? Of course this was my biggest plant going this year. Its always something

Doug do you have some pics of the injury?

You`d be amazed at how much theses plants can take and recover.

Super glue was first developed as a battlefield bandage wasn`t it?

The glue should not hurt it. The nutrients flow up and down the outer layer of the stalk. I accidentally split my outside plant down the middle while I deciding if I wanted to spread out the branches. I took some black electrical tape and wrapped it up. The plant does not look worse for wear. As long as you wrap it up tight it should be ok, it will even sort of seal itself if given half a chance.

Doug do you have some pics of the injury?

You`d be amazed at how much theses plants can take and recover.

Super glue was first developed as a battlefield bandage wasn`t it?


What’s done is done. I glued the gateways for the bugs going through shit. There were small snails and big in there. I was sceeved out so I seal it shut. Hoping no toxins are sucked into the future buds


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