Spotted fever


Active Member
Long time user, first time grower. Have 4 girls and three of them have developed spots on the lower leaves. Outside, au-natural. Started flowering about 2-3 weeks ago. I water whenever it rains. No fertilizer. The top looks good but I am worried about the spots. Anyone know what is causing them?


Long time user, first time grower. Have 4 girls and three of them have developed spots on the lower leaves. Outside, au-natural. Started flowering about 2-3 weeks ago. I water whenever it rains. No fertilizer. The top looks good but I am worried about the spots. Anyone know what is causing them?
I've never seen spots like that before on MJ plants, however i have gotten a light rust colored mildew on some Olliberrys vines that looked very similar. It also may be an insect problem, see any of those spots on any other plants in your yard? If you cant find out the cause i wouldnt worry to much as id think everything will be fine as they look very healthy.