Spray question

BiG $m0k3

Active Member
I know I'm supposed to spray my plants with pH water to cool them down or whatever. But I also have this product called Liquid Ladybug that I can spray and kill spider mites with. So my question is when do I spray which one? If I spray the liquid ladybug first then I sprayed water on it, the water would wash the Liquid Ladybug off. If I spray the water first the Liquid Ladybug would dilute the water so the water wouldn't really be as fresh to the plant. Do I spray the water first let it dry then spray the Liquid Ladybug?


You should never have to spray your plants with water to keep them cool. they like the heat! 83 if your using co2 79 is cool if your not. If you want to spray get some optic foiler it's good stuff is a pest deturent as well and some other goodies your plants love it right after transplant they can feed with the leaves instead of there roots.


Well-Known Member
Who told you to spray to cool down?

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