Sprayers Per Pump


Quick Question.... How many sprayers could I put to one 396gph pump?? StinkBuds system uses like 14.... is that about tops or could you go with 16-18 sprayers?? Or better off getting a 6XXgph pump for that many sprayers??


Well-Known Member
only use as many as you need, do you really need 18 sprayers? i have used about 15 360 sprayes on one 300gpm pump. but that was over kill and could have used alot less and got a finer spray.


Well-Known Member
I run 20 sprayers in my cloning box on an EcoPlus 396 pump and it's a pretty strong spray. In my stinkbud style systems, I'm running 34 sprayers on an EcoPlus 633 pump. So, yes, you can use more sprayers in some situations. It depends a LOT on the head (height) of your vertical run before it hits the sprayers.


New Member
Depends on the sprayers and the pump type. If your using the common lame high flow sprayers that flow 8 to 10 gallons per hour then you can us a butt load of sprayers as the sprayers will some what function even at a low pressure. If your using higher pressure sprayers years such as the misting spayers they need at least 20 psi to function and at least 40 psi to function real well. A typical high volume pump will not even get two or three misters to even half ass function. All spayers are not created a like and neither are all pumps.

Here is a good pump for misters and sprayers.
