Spraying with CS after harvest and leaving some branches to be sprayed (AUTO)


Well-Known Member
I sent this kid over here so you guys can help. He didn't say as much here as he did in the other. So let me help him out.

He is trying to get fem seeds. And was told to use this in erly flower. But was wondering if mid to late flower was better. Erly flower seeds realy arnt forming so it would make sence mid flower. The time there polenated and seeds are forming. Or after seeds are there? Dosnt want to waste the CS on doing it wrong.

I'm not a breeder so no idea. But in time I do plan on seeding a crop to save for later. And would like to know this answer too. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
I seriously doubt that this will work. CS treatment is to make the plant change from female to male by blocking a certain receptor (can't remember the name) not create a hermi which is what you are trying to do. Every successful attempt I've seen started with treating a plant still in veg. I don't even know if it will work at all with an Auto.
I'd recommend just letting it go for a few more wks and see if it will hermi, or try and reveg but not sure if you can reveg and auto.


Well-Known Member
To reverse the sex of a plant to make fem seeds you have to spray it right before you put it in flower with the method I used...and I think CS is the same. So I wouldn't spray in late flower...the plant will die before it can finish off any seeds, and it still takes weeks for the herm flowers to spread their pollen...


Well-Known Member
And it works with autos the same way it works with photos, but you have to have more than one of the plant you are wanting to make fem seeds out of...one to turn herm, and another to catch the pollen...With photos you can use clones...with autos you have to just use a sister plant or what not...



  • So I wouldn't spray in late flower...the plant will die before it can finish off any seeds

You see, My question is about Spraying with CS on a plant that has already flowered, been partly harvested, and has a few branches left to be sprayed.


You know what, just forget it, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and will eventually get the answer through trial and error.

Thanks anyway.


Well-Known Member
Then why the fuck did you ask? I sent you somewhere that could answer your questions and you act like you know it all already. I guess I'm the only one that took any insight to what was said. Thanks guys. It helped (me). Some noobs you just can't help. For that I'm sorry. (make me look like a fool) kiss off. Kill your own weed. Oops I mean grow your own weed.