sprout still has seed on it!


Hi, its my first grow using 2 seeds at the moment (got more in the post coming). I germinated both seeds in tissue, the one which still has the seed on germinated alot faster than the second, though the second already has serrated leaves and is doing well.

It has popped out of the soil but still has the seed on it..

Could this be due to my PH being off? It currently 8 I need try and find some ph down for soil.

What can I do about it to help my little baby?



Well-Known Member
Yes it will fall off, personally I use tweezers to help remove it, but i have 20yrs exp. Please dont do it if you are unsure as you will mess up.


Yeah 8 is high, im going to try and find some stuff to buy to sort it. The soil is some high quality stuff I bought from a home depot store not sure exactly, what should I be looking for on the bag?


Well-Known Member
Get your ph down to 6.5

As for the shell, it will just fall off in a few days but you can always gently pull it off with some tweezers if need be.


Well-Known Member
u add the ph up or down to the water you use to water your plants with, why wouldnt it work to take it and add the ph'd water to your soil?flush with some neutral ph water first though, then make sure your ph is where it needs to be.


New Member
Some lemon juice will lower the ph in water, just add alittle bit at a time then test it.. I ve had to do that. My ph is at seven..