Sprout wont loose seed

Plants are 3 days shy of two weeks from germinating and planting, and this particular girl is 6 days old. But the weird thing is that the seed has come up out of the ground so you can just barely see the stem, but it hasn't moved in days. I think I may have possibly over watered by about a qtr of a cup too much a couple of days ago but this problem has existed for 6 days. I had a similar problem with another one so I put a little more dirt on top (If it doesn't work it's a lesson learned). The strain is White Widow by the way. Let me know if anyone has some wisdom in the area.


Active Member
this has happened to me with an auto flowering before, i waited then after i tried taking the seed off. the plant was dead inside but the stem looked fine. most likely gonna happen to that one if it continues.


Active Member
Is it sprouting out the soil but where there seedling leaves should be coming out are they sort of getting stuck inside the seed shell? I have had this happen to a few seeds of mine, a couple i have managed to save, but a have killed alot too lol at first i tried just picking it of which a was too clumsy with and ended up picking the whole top of the plant of... this happened a couple of times lol then i tried leaving it and it also just stopped growing and when i did remove the shell it was dead inside so now you just sort of need to help prise its way through... sorta like you would with a turtle coming out a shell, a couple i have done and been gentle with endded up coming through nicely, just abit stunted growth at first because the seedling leaves were deformed and lime green very pale, all grew slowly until they started to produce their own leaves again.

So personally i would try coax it through. Very carefully so you don't damage or destroy it, its very weak and fragile like that.


Well-Known Member
I think your plant is a gonner, normally you can help the seed off with a drop of water placed on it, then after a few minutes pry off with a toothpick. The sooner you do it the better.
But as I say I think yours is a gonner, even if you twist off the top of a healthy seedling the stem and root still survives a few days.


Well-Known Member
Flick the seed off the stem.

I'm not sure I understood you properly, got any pics. When that happens to me I see it as the seed husk is still protecting the plant and the sprouting leaves haven't been strong enough to remove the husk. Just yank it off ffs.