Sprouting problem


Alright the problem goes like this. I planted 2 seeds the church and bubba kush. Mr. kush seed wasent planted far enough and after watering the seed was out of the soil. The seed did germinate and has about a inch long root i put more dirt over it. the church is a beautiful sprout but, I WANTED BUBBA KUSH PLZ TELL ME HE WILL SURVIVE!!!! btw i the seed was at the soil level for about 3 to 4 days ( I was not home )

if not who wants to send me any kush type seed:-P
When you start new seeds and you think there may be a point when you may not be there you can put a peice of clear plastic over the pot and use an elastic band(bulg it upwards if you think necessary. This will keep the seedling from drying out. Always place the seedlings roots downward and don't touch them with your fingers. Use something pointy like a toothpick to place the sprout into its prospective position. Like any plant make sure the pot has good drainage and has the proper moisture levels. When I'm germinating I usually put the plate and all into a large ziplock. I have a bad habit of passing out and forgetting about eveything.
To germ the seeds i always use the same method. Wet paper towel in a dvd case (one from attitude) and i place it next to ps3 with it on fro warmt. Both seeds germs at the same time. I stuck my thumb a half inch down in the soil droped both of them and then dropped the water in a circle around where the seed was planted. water on the dry soil caused one of the seeds to be visible and the light hitting it. Is it dead should i start another? i noticed the root when i moved it and it did grow in size from first being planted.