Sprouting time

Typically under optimal conditions 72 hours, however I have seen and had a few seeds that didn't pop for several weeks.
If you don't see anything breaking the surface in 7 - 10 days after planting. Try another


Active Member
and remember when planting them put the root down seed up if you didnt know ive had alot of friends mess up on that step idk how but yea lol


Active Member
will his roots came out the dirt and died on some of them and the rest i had to dig up for him to turn the right way around lol i had him do one and he broke the damn root im not saying this would happen to everyone that did it the wrong way just what i have seen


Well-Known Member
people sometimes plant there seeds upside down they belive it makes a thicker stem roots will still grow down into the soil ive done a test with one of my early outdoor grows only diff was the seed that was put in tail up took 3 extra days to pop roots didnt grow into the air so idk what the other guys are talking about


Active Member
people sometimes plant there seeds upside down they belive it makes a thicker stem roots will still grow down into the soil ive done a test with one of my early outdoor grows only diff was the seed that was put in tail up took 3 extra days to pop roots didnt grow into the air so idk what the other guys are talking about
lmao roots in the air... who would say that...........


Active Member
i said roots in the air they started turning yellow then brown and died
dug it up and there was leaves in the grown but white i guess bc they never saw light lol