Sprouts not doing their best, W/Pics. Help needed.


I started these beans a little over a week ago. Everything was doing fine until out of no where they started falling over, not all but a fair amount. Im using 4 4' fluorescent plant bulbs. Half of the beans were started in soil I got from outside, it seems to have a fair amount of clay, the tops are dry on those as you can see, but half way down you can feel they are wet enough for the roots to reach for. The other half were put into miracle grow potting soil with perlite. I am having the same difficulties with both soils, so I can rule out that possibility.I have drawn arrows to the plants Im having difficulties with. What if anything can I do?

Many thank you's



They started to do that about three days ago, on the first day I tried to support them with more soil, but to no avail.


Active Member
i think maybe you should have the light close down to them other wise the tend to stretch to reach it and become spindly , just a thought


Active Member
wat about a glass dome for instance a fish tank and lay the lights on the glass and have something under there tray so there close ? just another setup ive seen


Well-Known Member
Sometimes nature weeds out the weak and that is why breeders sell packs of seeds.
With a little nursing I think you can keep em going.
I have had babies topple over from over watering, under watering, stretching for the light, and heat. Maybe the humidity dome is making it too humid or not enough air. I do not use a dome so I am not sure. Good luck.


Active Member
remove the dome completelly , 4 out 20 not good beans is a fair amount , if the rest are fine keep on with the rest


Well-Known Member
Bro ditch the dome for fucks sake or you will lose the lot. Once sprouted they dont need 90% rh. Also let the medium dry well betwwen waterings.


i have since decided which to keep and which to expel. I have removed the domes and done some fan adjustment as well as switching from 24/7 to 20/4. They are flourishing.