Sprouts Question

david nicholas

Active Member
Do the little germinated seeds need light for the 1st day or two? what I mean is can I just put the seeds in a cups with soil in them and keep them inside ? it is raining where I live and I don't wanna kill them.


Well-Known Member
yea you will be fine i like to give them light florecence when they sprout but a couple days of indirect wont kill them i wouldnt go completely dark though.

Green on Green

Active Member
Not to hijack this thread, but I have a question along the same lines.

I have 6 plants sprouting and they are about 3 1/2 inches tall, but they havent sprouted any leaves other than the initial 4. What would cause a plant to do that?


Well-Known Member
I believe that if your plants are 3 inches and thats all the leaves they have, that means they are not getting enough light. They are getting tall because they are stretching up to reach the light.