Sprouts still dieing!!!


Active Member
My sprouts keep dieing! The last two were planted with the crack of the germinated seed facing up. But when I dug them up the root had turned around and went down rather than up! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Oh yeah and I'm bout to grab some worms and place them in the planter with my one healthy plant. Is that a good idea? I figure it will be good for the soil.


Well-Known Member
Use the paper towel method to germinate. What I did was take 2 plates.. fold a paper towel up so that it fits on the plate easily. Soak the shit out of it with water. Put your seeds on it. fold up another paper towel the same way. Soak it, as well and place it over the seeds. Then, put the second plate on top of the first plate so it looks like a ufo. See my grow (in my sig) if you want pics of how I sprouted. The plates are in there somewhere. It can take a few days for them to pop. Then, when the tails are not an inch long, even, put them in the soil tail down. I put mine BARELY in the soil. Maybe a few centimeters of dirt over the top of the shell. A few more days and it'll push up. :)

Not for nothin', but my first few posts were just like this one. ;) Luck, bro!


Active Member
My sprouts keep dieing! The last two were planted with the crack of the germinated seed facing up. But when I dug them up the root had turned around and went down rather than up! Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Oh yeah and I'm bout to grab some worms and place them in the planter with my one healthy plant. Is that a good idea? I figure it will be good for the soil.

1) From what I understand (and have done), you want to plant the seeds with the root tip pointing down.

2) Worms aren't really a good idea in a small container. Different species of worms do different things, and they all need organic material and/or the proper microbes to eat.

You shouldn't need worms to aerate your potting mix; it should be light enough on its own. Also, the nutrients released in castings by just a couple of worms will be utterly negligible.

If you want to utilize worms, make a vermicomposting bin and you can use the worm castings as really good stuff in your potting mix. But if you just add a couple random worms to your potted plant, you will probably just end up with a couple of really smelly dead worms and no benefits.


Active Member
ok this is ur end all statement, a. u were suppose to put the root down b. they're right about using the paper towel method but dont "soak the shit out of it" or the seeds will crack open and then die from being overwatered. once you see about a cm of root plant it ROOT DOWN, give it a little water and wait for it to surface. i've tried so many different methods of germiantion and thats the only sure fire.



Well-Known Member
I suggest you wait longer for the seeds to come up. The root turning down is what is supposed to happen since you put the seed in upside down. If you would have given it more time it probably would have popped up and been fine.