Spy Balloon!

Heard about this earlier. Apparently one spent some time over BC and AB airspace too. CFB Cold Lake was specifically mentioned.


Here's some pertinent info on Cold Lake.

Construction of a new fighter squadron facility at CFB Cold Lake. The new facility is expected to have two structures for training and operations.

The contract to design the facility was awarded to EllisDon for $9.2M in September 2020.

Municipality:Cold Lake
Schedule:Completion by 2025
Estimated Cost:$352.0M
Developer:Defence Construction Canada


My family was set to go there but my Dad retired from the service before it happened.
I think its a fine line deciding what a country is to allow and not allow to happen over its air space. I mean satellites fly over the country all the time and we don't shoot them down. Not sure how a balloon is different other than being lower. Funny how such low tech could prove to be tough to deal with. I bet the China Government are having a good laugh watching what we decide to do.
Fly a drone over a military base or Super Bowl game - cops come and you are locked up.
Chinese flies a balloon with surveillance gear over every fucking body and nothing done …..WTF ?

Biden “ wanted “ to shoot the fucker down - pentagon didn’t. It was over big sky Montana FFS - worse could have hit a cow if downed ?

Navy has laser tech , blast it. Say a fucking seagull flew into it and retrieve the suspect gear.

It makes me angry that our military is allowing this to happen.
In WWII , California Coast was armed against any Japanese shit flying over , we even shot at some unknown shit over Los Angeles back in 1942.
We would sweep skies with both radar and high power searchlights - then open fire. How is this not any different ? ?

Maybe next time , the CCP will drop viral containers of the latest omnicron from high altitude.

Destroy it.
Fly a drone over a military base or Super Bowl game - cops come and you are locked up.
Chinese flies a balloon with surveillance gear over every fucking body and nothing done …..WTF ?

Biden “ wanted “ to shoot the fucker down - pentagon didn’t. It was over big sky Montana FFS - worse could have hit a cow if downed ?

Navy has laser tech , blast it. Say a fucking seagull flew into it and retrieve the suspect gear.

It makes me angry that our military is allowing this to happen.
In WWII , California Coast was armed against any Japanese shit flying over , we even shot at some unknown shit over Los Angeles back in 1942.
We would sweep skies with both radar and high power searchlights - then open fire. How is this not any different ? ?

Maybe next time , the CCP will drop viral containers of the latest omnicron from high altitude.

Destroy it.
Where did you hear he wanted to? Everything I've heard says he doesn't want to.

I’m getting confused too many balloon threads. No we should spend at least 20 billion trying to figure out what it is. Then shoot it down to show the world what happens when you mess with America!
That’s some folks perspective
Unlike them I even consider them fellow Americans