SQdC's CBD, so faint it practically turned into a placebo - while Radio-Canada's title mocks ALL CBD...


Well-Known Member
Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits? – L'épicerie (2021-Oct-21)

Do CBD edibles have real benefits? ...

Now guess who's behind each SQdC clerk formation (stated @ 2:19 precisely...):

« Le docteur Didier Jutras-Aswad est chercheur au CHUM, il a aussi collaboré avec le ministère de la santé pour établir le plan de formation des conseillers de la SQdC. »

M'yeap, it seems he's everywhere since Harper days, as if Québec's "legal" retail store needed to feel like a fox had been put in charge of the hen-house (chicken coop)!!

The trick here being that it's not really a psychiatric doctor speaking if we consider CBD at such lame SQdC doses hardly justifies his presence there, euh... M'well, unless one pretends that greedy over-billed/over-taxed placebo has any medical virtues proven "scientifically"; which in practical terms basically implies it's NO "danger" for teenagers (below 21...) who understood it years ago already - and "illicit" school-yard resellers too of course, specially those doing business behind colleges and universities, euh...

In other words the adults who still trust their government today face punishment for no other purposes than to please angry voters who keep supporting self-serving politicians one provincial election after the next, since Trudeau's Cannabis Act! Go figure.


Well, the day it was broadcasted we could verify the advertized cost was acurate, but it turns out only a few weeks prior ot that i happened to check in a local store and although the official web site confirmed a relatively large inventory my precaution still proved plain useless that day, because the stock wasn't really there, leaving ZERO other options except to justify spending 8+ $/g over dull placebo. Which was NOT an option at all!

So, we can guess the mentioned manufacturer must have got quite pissed off after watching this most particular TV show on "therapeutic" cannabis:
1 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG

This is the boss Dany Lefebvre, followed by a brief glimpse at his CBD product right there:
2 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG

Too bad the "ici-télé" editoriali$ts didn't care to report what's happening with all the leaves & wood before opaque bottles with a red warning logo on them are ultimately sealed (...) for final storage/distribution:
3 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG

Never forget a mind-healer (psy...) actively contributed to that nightmare as a major-leagues SQdC expert-counselor, using his medical "doctor" title as CBD guru - which carries some truth if we account for him being director a CBD for opioïds research project, blocked by Health-Canada as i recall:

Effets du cannabis: la bureaucratie freine la recherche (2020-Jan-6)
« On est vraiment dans une impasse... »

Too bad the rest ain't any better except we've got lucky to hear about USA's "Farm Bill" resulting in true liberation of CBD beyond Canada's south border. Lets nail it quick via this short diaporama:
4 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG
5 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG
6 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG
7 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG
8 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG
9 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [64...PNG
10 L'épicerie S20-Ép3 (ici télé) - Les aliments contenant du CBD ont-ils de réels bienfaits [6...PNG

Take note the official Public Health statement ONLY applies to SQdC's CBD and there's never been chocolate/candies sold in Québec, thanks to Justin Trudeau but also Lucie Charlebois who initially inserted notions of "child-attractive" formats in her law - which François Legault was all too satisfied to embrace through Lionel Carmant, by the way...

In any case their perpetual claims about requiring more studies sound somewhat bogus if one is informed/aware that Louis Hébert, 1st magistrate representing the King in Nouvelle-France (1575 – 1627), was also an apothicary and hence IMHO he couldn't have never heard of "Indian Hemp", "Cannabis sativa L.", nor perhaps even genetic variants although CBD hadn't been discovered so far - but still quite possibly very real centuries ago.

M'well, at least those who find SQdC's attidude peculiar finally got some fair hint about why! :hump: ... :roll:

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
Perhaps you should have a Quebec lobby group to protest the ridiculous. Why can't you grow 4 plants per house?

Because screw government weed...From Hexco or any other POS opportunist LP.

Medical grow script changed my life FOREVER.
Salutations GHWheels,

Perhaps you should have a Québec lobby group to protest the ridiculous.

Actually there happens to be some politic party named the "Bloc Pot" in my province, while it's known as the "Marijuana Party" federally, but i must admit none of its leader(s) ever managed to gain my trust completely - not to mention after observing how Marc-Boris St-Maurice behaved although he was well aware his voice would be heard at premium hours nation-wide via Canada's francophone TV network, coast-to-coast:

Radio-Canada - Épisode du dimanche 24 avril 2016

He shared the antenna with Marie-Ève Morin (and a few members of the "Union des Artistes"), herself an ADDICTIONIST doctor/therapist actively promoting perspectives centered on the so-called "amotivational syndrome"... My problem here being about untold stories and half-truths, like facts (which i figured since then...) may have been on both radars relatively to what i eventually came to tag as the Halloween "Science" show of Trudeau, planned in Calagary by the Canadian Society of Addiction Medecine and yet intended to occur at hotel Marriott in Montréal, JUST A FEW MONTHS LATER - ah, and never forget this immediately followed NY's UNGASS 2016 (in USA)...

In other words i still sort of wonder how the guy could manage to "drop the ball" in nearly ideal circumstances as this! With one key argument expressed in those terms exactly:

Marc Boris St-Maurice et Marie-Ève Morin - Légalisation de la marijuana TLMEP 24-04-2016 (verbatim from a former YouTube video now conveniently DELETED for some odd reason...):​
« Nous aut’es on s’bat d’puis 20 ans, p’is là l’monde arrive comme un cheveux s’a soupe p’is y veulent s’approprier de toute not’e travail, euh… Ça des fois c’t’une claque s’a guele là! »

As a compassion center director he essentially complained over a possibility of "legal" distribution falling into the hands of drug-store owners and since it was about "medical" marihuana very little concern was shown for consumers as myself - who refuses to be put in a box or another anyway. In any case this activist of the Bloc Pot/Marijuana Party prefered to refocuss their discussion on his own "achievements" and merits. Not to mention more odd attitudes i could still observe just this summer.

Overall, my position ain't changed as i've been forced to conclude long ago that only cooperative shops owned & operated by the final users themselves might survive the elitist dynamics erected by the Cannabis Act of Justin Trudeau (and reach goals his government can only dream of)...

Why can't you grow 4 plants per house?

1st i'd have to provide my signature as legal support for a discriminatory system not applied to other domains, for example i can't imagine "medical fire-arms" and much less in large rural areas of western Canada... M'well, what do you do during an encounter with mama bear and her babies even in wild zones of the Belle Province?? Etc.

Another reason is the simple basic principle that it's just not socially fair to have given retro-active rights to landlords after imposing a contestation delay which proved quite too short for the rent people to organize; even when a totally private balcony was directly accessible from inside the law implied a real threat of eviction and most specially in residential institutions ruled by the government. Briefly put anyone exercing their natural rights may still end up homeless today. Then there's practical cultivation issues like sunlight, for example.

Last but not least my "opportunity window" is long gone and i'll have to consider quitting because of aging which affects me the same as everyone else; except others may feel they got many decades ahead and lots of time to opt for resigned patience. I don't.

Because screw government weed... From Hexo or any other POS opportunist LP.

Of course, absolutely. Hexo/Hydropothicary being nothing else than my ennemy at least in ideological terms since this particular LP kept myclobutanil around then gradually multiplied channels that would pump green money outside our province and even the country (in Colorado)... So, "farewell" to its CEO Sébastien St-Louis indeed, but only if we can make sure he never resurfaces again - which i have deep doubts about, most unfortunately, as i'll always think of that LP as the makers of "Kosher Zyklon" (in reference to myclobutanil fueling its controversy, then some strategic change of brand name).

Medical grow script changed my life FOREVER.

It makes a lot of sense at least to me and i don't pretend being a doctor, even less a therapist. Too bad the "stoner$"/"droÿé$" are persons with plenty of enemies coming from all horizons and very little sympathy even amoung our own kind right here in Québec. Formerly know as a province with a majority of individuals who tried cannabis at least once, now seen as a society of alcoholics quite satisfied to watch alcohol adds by the dozen if not plain 15 ~ 30 min. dedicated editorials, day and night as if it were intended to perform brain-washing somehow!

And only a few hours ago i witnessed Carolyn Bennett made minister of mental health + dependency/addictions!! With Jean-Yves Duclos serving as Québec's bridge and a decoy elsewhere...

Definitely NOT a nice day for us in a sacrificed province.


Good day, have fun!! :peace:
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