You have to give us a lot more info to get you a realistic answer. What type of nutrients, light type, power and distance, temps and humidity as well as the strain and age of the plant. If you can provide that, you're much more likely to get an answer to point you in the right direction.Hi this plant has been like this for a while. Anyone know why only bottom leaves are droopy. Wet dry cycle in soil.
I can answer with no more info. It’s either overwatered or deficient in some nutrient. Maybe a ph issue or cal mag.You have to give us a lot more info to get you a realistic answer. What type of nutrients, light type, power and distance, temps and humidity as well as the strain and age of the plant. If you can provide that, you're much more likely to get an answer to point you in the right direction.
1 gallon just transferred to 3. It was in the 1 gallon too long. I was trying to let the roots grow to a 3 day water cycle but they never did. I guess it doesn’t work like that.It sounds like everything is in a good range. Droop is usually water or light related unless there's a bad root issue which I'd doubt. How often are you watering and what size pot is it in?
Keep it simple. Don't over complicate things. Make sure your soil is on point. Get you some good living soil with natural microbes, nematodes, and such, using just plain water with a little molasses and natural kelp. You'd be surprised.
I think that was the issue. I unfortunately didn’t pot up with much perlite so hopefully they won’t stay wet long.It might have been root bound in the one gallon pot depending on how long it was in there. Small pots require very frequent watering. If you want to space the watering out I'd go with 5 gallon pots at a minimum. The extra media will let you go longer between waterings.