SSRI and Marijuana

Hey everyone. I'm currently on an SSRI for depression called Cipralex. The stuff is awesome and works great. It's changed my whole life. Anyway, I used to enjoy smoking weed but now things are shitty... Before taking the medication I could smoke weed and have a great time without having a panic attack. Now that I'm on the meds I still have a great time at the start, but later I always get really panicked (2 to 3 hours after smoking).... This is absolutely shitty. It's making me want to stop smoking pot but all my friends smoke and I love the initial high. Should I stop smoking..? What the hell is going on in my brain? As I type this I'm laying in my bed 3.5 hours after smoking and still feeling as weird as fuck (hot and cold flashes). Any help people?

Bill Wilson

Active Member
Try only smoking when you feel comfortable in a good setting. Marijuana is a psychedelic which is easily forgotten by the everyday smoker.

Brick Top

New Member
Check out these links and maybe try a strain or two.

They are all strains that are supposed to clam and relax and not cause anxiety. If they still do ... then it is the medication you are taking causing the uptake of the various cannabinoids and terpenoids in a different way than they used to.