Staggering the harvest?


Active Member
I am using a 400watt HPS and a flow and drain system with 6 OG clones starting the 7th week of flowering.

I think I let the plants grow too tall (4-6 ft) in the grow cubes (4").

As a result, the lower stems and parts of the plants are ready to pick, while the tops are just starting to bud up.

Question: Is there a way to either (a) stagger the harvest, or (b) accelerate flowering in some way so the tops catch up with the bottoms.

Sorry in advance for the wordy question.


Well-Known Member
Dude that's ass backwards the tops of the the plant mature first no way the bottom's are going to be ready before the top...Got any pic's?


Well-Known Member
how close is your light to the tops? I just talked to another guy in a thread just like this who had his side branches finish before the main colas. Same shit happened to me, and we both agree lights were probably too close. Mine was like 7in away. 600whps


Active Member
how close is your light to the tops? I just talked to another guy in a thread just like this who had his side branches finish before the main colas. Same shit happened to me, and we both agree lights were probably too close. Mine was like 7in away. 600whps
Yeah the lite was too close. So close in fact, that I had to hang it at an angle. Some sides of plants are getting more lite than the top. Hence the odd flowering pattern.

I screwed up the positioning of my lite so the sides are ready for harvest, while the tops are barely budding up.

So now what? Should I allow the sides of the plants to go past their prime, to give the top colas time to bud? Or should I just harvest what I can, when I can?

Its my 1st grow and I know I've made tons of mistakes, so I feel like at this point I should take what I can get, and start over with new clones.


Well-Known Member
Nice teeth dude!

This is prolly the wrong answer, but harvest the lower ones if they are done


Well-Known Member
It is quite often the case that I have lower smaller bud sites ready a long time before the tops. Delstele, grow for nearly 20 years and you will see it also!


Active Member
It is quite often the case that I have lower smaller bud sites ready a long time before the tops. Delstele, grow for nearly 20 years and you will see it also!
Its reassuring to know that regardless of experience, it will probably happen a lot. Thanks.

I guess I will experiment; harvest/dry/cure some now, and wait a week on the rest.