The current update is kind of bitter sweet, one plant turned out to be male the other female, but I'll be damned if even the male doesn't look frosty! Theyre both gearing up for blooming, hopefully I'll get some decent seed as I want to avoid buying seeds over the internet too many times, you never know when big brother might mannage to catch on. The aerogarden is doing excellent with the lowryders. I did clip the baby leaves after the third node was formed and when the leaves of the third node were doing well I clipped them and trained the offshoots. I actually think the stress boosted the THC development as when I increased the stress considderably the hairs on the leaves grew in number, color and size. I'm not sure of all the correct terminology so I'm just keeping it simple. Well, that's the update, sure wish I could afford to nab a camera to show you guys how awesome the plants are doing.