Standox's battle of the buds


Well-Known Member
ok im actually putting some documentation to this madness of a grow i have got going it begins with 7 clones 4 taken from a big bud mother and three a plant called nectar(which i have never heard of) but boy was she pretty and six killa indicas that have never let me down..seeds were scored from a good buddy. i planted the clones in 10' pots for now and put my indicas in some big three gallons pots. feeding consists of the following....
**medium--soil LIGHT WARRIOR& fox farms ocean forest 1/2&1/2 mix
**NUTES-- metanaturals three part system organic
i have kept a handwritten journal of the growh and care of these plants but this makes it so much easier at intial transplant of clones all was perfect and seedling had taken nicely these from three weeks in one clones and seedlings 2 of the matures in 5th week of veg
400 wt hps extrnal ballast
400 wt mh external ballast
250 wt mh/hps conversion internal ballast
150 mh internal ballast



Well-Known Member
i mist the vegging clones and seedling daily and water daily this journal is written in hindsite so i have made alot of mistakes and i will devulge them all and try to put a pic with the issues i noticed poor ventilation issues and bit of hight heat i have trouble with this as i am kind of not supposed to be doing this and i must keep concealed from my roomate( yea i know goodluck with that)



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veiw of my narnia closet in my bedroom almost as big as room itself about a few weeks of vegging has obviously gone on seince the last pics i also mylard the walls with the low budget i had i got this crappy stuff but it seems to work well btw where do you guys get that really nice reflective plastic i see you have i have i love its mirrior reflection?The room was completely painted fresh white before hand i have noticed that leaves are drooping on my new clones and seedling have leaves that are begining to show signs of stress..
yes this is where my battles begin over the corse of the next few weeks im am like a frustrated monkey trying to f#*K a football I use all of my lighting power in this one room almost 1900 wts of light in a 10x4x10 room hps and mh blazing 24/7 i spend countless nights shuffling plants around because i hung my ligts with the hps in the middle and two mhs on the ends i use the conversion bulb and get 2 hps lights side by side and the 400 mh on the end unfortunatly the room isnt wide so i am forced to put some veging plants under the hps for hours when it would be better to have mh. but with 13 plants in a 10x4 it sux i also try countless shelf setups trying to optimize the light my diffrent staged plants need which is a bitch when you got two that are 3 ftrs and all the rest doing there own thing.



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grrrrr fricken overwatering is a really easy thing to do by far at this point it is my #1 issue next to not leaving the damn things alone for a hour at a time i will save you all the next 4 weeks and just tell you that i went through all my plants becoming root bound except the 3 gallon pots i repotted all of the clones and seedlings in to 12'' pots and after many overwaterings and over feedings my lovely clones went from this to this this may not look too bad but trust me this is supposed to be big bud look at thoes scraggly leaves and they are dry and wrinkled i noticed yellowing and brown spots on almost all fan leaves on two plants i flush all of the veggin plants except for the big indicas i started weeks before clones run off of ph is suprisingly 6.6 i am dumfounded...what could i have done that would so adversly affect these plants? Is it possible that all my care was too much or did i just have some bad plants?...hmmm i poindered as i cram captain crunch down my throat. after much needed sustiance i thought ok all of these plants are showing some signs in their own way of being a little screwed up most of the issues can be traced to over feeding/watering like*** leaves curling up on the edges like a taco, and down on the tips like an eagals talon,or the dark green dry almost blueish tint to the leaves
i dealt with high heat and some of the leaves curling and stretching i bought another fan and a nice humitdity/temp wall hang deal i also spent $118 bucks on a nice humidifier that oscilates cool air and sets relitive humidity to up to 75% made for a whole house used for a closet i set humidity to 65% and it stays there untill today with a temp of 75 80 very tops...... ventiation is still an issue but i cant cut holes in the walls and after all i am doing this secretly in my room on a slightly larger scale than i would have like to at hindsight....but what can i say i would rather have more than less seeing how i have to buy and oz a week and im tired of paying for something god gave us all...



Well-Known Member
Detailed grow man... ill suscribe to this and come check it out everyonce inawhile.
Overwatering is a bitch haha, but dont worry it happens to EVERYONE.
Nice looking plants



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ok so again i make a rookie mistake being that i smoke too much and then take on huge projects i amaze myself when i do these things ok i set up my lighting system backward i have been using hps lights for veg and mh lights for flowering i spend the next few hours rearanging the grow room to give the plants what they need could this be the reason for my leaves getting dry and crusty probably not but i press on



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by the way i speread to another closet in my dorm with a good friend who will look after the vegging ones as i sleep with the flowering ones pictures abover are actually the two rooms although they look the same they are in totally different places i still care for them all 100% i just didnt have the 2 room luxury so i must now entrust a godparent.. this is what i am using for airmovement and cooling/humidity



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and yes i eventually get busted by my roomate while in the process of transporting my vegging plants down the hall we all smoke grass but there will always be that tight assed person who refuses to stay calm and is just a pain in the ass for the most part a little intimidation was all that this little speed bump needed to go smooth. ( i hope) and if that didnt work i know bribery when harvest time comes is gonna be an ace in the hole... he would have smelt it eventually anyways


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at 5 weeks of vegging growth for my two big indicas i topped after another 5 weeks this is the result i topped one and let the other grow as nature intended the differences in growth are as follows...... if picture is unclear to some the toppedplant is one the right notice the more bushy appearance as opposed to the towering tree on left



Well-Known Member
omg ureaka i have narrowed down one of my problems!!!! at start of grow i began with some nice clones that i recieved from a friend what i didnt know was that he kept them in a paper bag in behind the couch for a week so when irecived them i noticed they had tricomes all over the bottom of leaves me being an idiot i thought "this shit is bomb" that shit was wrong!!! i spent aprox 6 weeks atrying to veg 4 clones that were in flowering that is why i had nutrient issues and plants werent taking to my light and feeding schedual they were trying to revert and this is what was slowing me down i have seince put tweo of thoes slow bastards in the flowering room while the other two reverted back to vegitative growth with minimal problems....



Well-Known Member
well i watered them today and they are doing well yes i used holy water as a personal experiement affects are yet to be properly determined ...heheh



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week 1 1/2 of flowering on these two indicas and 3 days of bigbud in the back i flowered the three in the back early because they were in flowering because of a poor trasport issue when i got them they were flowering so im gonna give them a go at their current size holy water had no adverse affects so far. hehe i also include vegitation room at week 7 they are as follows.



Well-Known Member
lol i always am i have sausage fingers i fixed spelling but not the fact that i ask myself a question lol im always talking to eaither a plant an animal or myself


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:spew:ok well almost week two of flowering for these 2 ladies overhealth is almost perfect except for the tiny arse buds forming i had hoped they would have formend differently at this point but it is still way early to judge anything smell is weak bud was strong so i dont know if this means anything at all but it isnt really stinking the place up.

I have noticed the 3 small big bud plants after 4 days are doing better than they were in the vegitation room. Although some of the lower leaves and fan/sugar leaves are still showing signs of a problem brown spots and almost nute burn or lock on these lower leaves below.

I have almost minimized the feeding to next 2 nothing for these fragile ones i see changes in plant after the few days of darkness they have had but any real bud growth of substancial amounts is doubtfull. ph levls are perfect temp is 70-78 range and humidity is a bit low at 40% r.

if anyone has any suggestions on the big bud clone issue feel free to devulge any ideas in the veg room i have one that is in nice bushy condition leaves show slight sign of dryness a little curl up on edges but nothing to alarm me drastically. I am still not tottally sure what stunted this particular plant when i had 3 other strains growing in at the same time i understand different strains different care deal but could i have been that far off?

more to come ........i hope.



Well-Known Member
all looks the same today no pics to post but i did notice that the clones in flowering seem to be reacting much better to the flowering process as opposed to veg.