"significantly higher" weight means that it may be problematic for hanging inside a tent that already has a filter and fan hanging from the ceiling. My tent is supposed to be rated to hold something like 100 lbs from the ceiling, but the heavier the top of the tent gets, the less horizontal stability there is.Hey tstick,
I'm not exactly sure how much they weight yet, but the active will be int he range of 15 lbs. The passive will weight significantly higher though.
We will start selling these at HEMPCON, and pricing will be up the following week.
Now in the brochure it lists 3000k, 4000k, and 5000k color options, and lists the cobs in luminous efficiency. But in the pictures they look blurple. Are these white light cobs?
And I see they're only around 110-120 lumens per watt, is there some reason we should use them over high efficiency 150+ lm/watt Crees?
yes but at the end of the day cost and efficiency are pretty much everyones #1 criteria
with most people running their crees at 1/4-1/2 of nominal current, heat dissipation is not an issue
I second this.
brochure makes no sense. 100W is brighter than 185 and 240W fixtures on the graphs