start of 3rd week of flowering, lower leaves yellowing,and falling off. please help

View attachment 2206040View attachment 2206041View attachment 2206042View attachment 2206043View attachment 2206044ok today is day 16 of flowering and i have lower leaves yellowing and falling off...they are in foxfarms ocean forest soil in 3 gallon smart pots and have been in the pots for 21 days, i have feed nothing to the plants except what nutients are in the soil.which everyone knows the soil is pretty do you think all the nitrogen is used up and i should start feeding with a bloom nutrient...or do you think the plant is to big for the pot.the plant is 28 inchs tall in a 3 gallon smart pot...i water with half distilled and half tap comes out to 180 ppms.i use a 600 watt hps and only water when the pots are realy lite and top layer of soil is dry..please help...
god bless it man ....i have had it with this site you ABSOLUTLY GET NO HELP FROM THE EXPERIENCE GROWERS HERE AND IF YOU DO ITS ALWAYS FEW AND FAR BETWEEN. you think someone here with growing experience would know what this is... instead of people viewing this post and not helping....I'LL JUST FIGURE IT OUT ON MY OWN LIKE ALWAYS BECAUSE YOU SURE WONT GET ANSWERS ON THIS SITE.


Well-Known Member
No need to get frustrated man. It takes longer then an hour for someone to see your post and know exactly whats going on with your ladies. Be patient and I'm sure someone will come to your aid.


Well-Known Member
I'll take a stab at it, tho I'm not a soil grower I would assume hat you're right, it may be the nutes in the soil is all used up, I would try to add nute and see what happens, wouldn't hut anyway. That's my best guess.....Good luck


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....SLH isn't nitrogen sensitive or at least mine isn' does go yellow pretty early on me in Fox Farms Ocean Forest, but not in Roots something to think about...