Started 10 fem auto seeds

Started germ 3 NL FEM auto and 7 random FEM auto I got for 80 seeds for 150$ just random seeds no idea what any of them are gonna try them out wish for the best lol


Active Member
Fuck that's a great deal,80 seeds for $150.They must be good if one in 10 has germed lol I hope you kept the receipt
Fuck that's a great deal,80 seeds for $150.They must be good if one in 10 has germed lol I hope you kept the receipt
He said it's the extra ones that the seed company's give him every time he orders it's all random seeds but all auto FEM so I hope thay work. The one that sprouted I already new thay were northern lights I got then from a buddy
If u think about it it's a good deal I payed 130 for 10 seeds and only 8 sprouted I payed 150 for 80 seeds and If I get 30 or 40 of them I'm more them happy with that lol it's not like the seeds are bad I was just saying in 6 hours 2 already sprouted not to bad if u ask me for what I would get off Those plants would probley be more then 150 bucks worth of bud