Started trimming a day or two earlier than I should have.. Now what?

I Think I started trimming a day or two earlier than I should have. Could've let the plants dry in the tent maybe another day or two - but last time I waited too long and the nugs were like dust - so dry.

They trimmed up very nicely. What do I do now? do I just put the nugs into jars and that's it? I have some boveda packs 62% RH, should I put those in?

How often do I burp the jars?

I could be completely wrong and the nugs could be perfectly dry - I'm a noob so I'm not sure but overthink this.
Put the ones you thing are too wet in an airtight with a Humid tester for a few hours. If it reads higher than 63% dry it some more. You can dry trimmed buds I think. I just never have. :peace: