Starting a Seedling


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm startin a feminized LA Woman seed from the Attitude, have it germin in a small small cup. Its in a mixture of 1 part perlite, 1part vermiculite, and 2 parts soil.
My growspace is a 2' by 2' by 3.75' cabinet with cfls in a moveable shelf. I have an intake and exhaust fan - its not yet fully lightproofed, but will be long before flowering.
Any comments or suggestions? Do I need to put a light above the soil to provide heat for it to grow towards, or germ in the dark? its been in there for about a day
thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
I should be leaving the soil in the dark while it germs right?
or does it need something to direct it up?


Well-Known Member
You dont need the light on until its breaks the surface. If its cold in there though, you can leave the lights on to keep the pot warmer. Id probably turn the light on at the end of two days though so the plant gets light as soon as it breaks the surface.


Well-Known Member
k wtf, can anyone tell me what the longest germination time might be, my LA Woman (only seed, as the other came crushed) was in wet paper napkins between plates for a day, then in that soil mixture for three, and still hasnt sprouted :wall:
how much longer should i wait?
:peace: and thanks


Well-Known Member
i usually soak my seeds but if need and only when they crack do i transplant them so i know they are legit never had a problem


Active Member
what just soak them in a bowl of water?
Yes, just put them in a cup of water for 24 hrs. What you are doing is soaking the husk and allow mosture to get into the seed. If they are floating after 24 hrs, tap them. If they sink they are still good. Floaters are dead seeds.

then put them in medium. keep moist, they should pop in days.


Well-Known Member
seasmoke hasn't really explained it to you much, so i will go ahead and give you additional information on what he said (your not wrong seasmoke, you just didnt tell him everything he should need to know)

If it's tap water leave it for 24hours minimum so that any chemicals like chloryne can be evaporated from the water as theese are harmful to your unhatched seeds, place your seeds in the water, make sure its a dark, warm place where you leave them, check 24 hours later.. did they sink? if not swirl the water carefully to see if any seeds drop, if they dont dont worry just wait longer, if they dont fall within 5 days it's pretty certain there duds.


Active Member
A way to speed up germination is to put the ziplock in your pocket for the day (baggyish clothes like khakis) the constant warm temp makes them crack in no time my fastest has been 8 hours for it to crack.


Well-Known Member
A way to speed up germination is to put the ziplock in your pocket for the day (baggyish clothes like khakis) the constant warm temp makes them crack in no time my fastest has been 8 hours for it to crack.

That's cool to know, but i'm sure there will be negatives to this.

Such as the chemicals u was ur clothes with, stuff you've had in your pocket previously..


Well-Known Member
oh, well im definitely gonna have to do some of this next time (soon) but for now......
she sprouted!
much thanks guys, stay tuned for a link to a thread for the grow, im gonna start one soon


Well-Known Member
hey guys actually, yea it just sprouted, but all i see is the taproot poking out, with no cotyledons on it - do i plant it with this down, or leave it be?


Well-Known Member
I too got that seed from Attitude........the LA Woman didn't germinate and neither did the others I purchased.


Well-Known Member
flipped it over, n sprinkled some soil on it :hump:
i was gonna germ it between paper towels between plates, but it got dry too quick, so i switched to the soil mentioned above


Well-Known Member
flipped it over, n sprinkled some soil on it :hump:
i was gonna germ it between paper towels between plates, but it got dry too quick, so i switched to the soil mentioned above
I was actually asking Debbie, but no biggie. Glad it germinated. Just stick em straight in soil next time, water and mist the top of the soil as days go by if necessary.

Why waste 24 hours in a cup of water, when it could be in the soil already absorbing water from the soil? Its pretty hard to fuck up this method, and in 3-5 days you have sprouts :)