Starting a stealth microgrow but can't decide which cabinet to use - speaker or PC


Active Member
I know I am going to receive A LOT of flack for asking such a question but I am trully only growing for personal use (which is the occasional recreational smoker) and due to living in a apartment styled housing with numerous others living within literally spitting distance stealth is of the out most importance. At first I had decided firmly on a PC stealth grow, which is highly advocated for over at icmag, but after reading quite a bit here at riu i have decided maybe i should consider other options; which is where the speaker set up comes into play.

I am looking for some input from you experienced growers out there. Which grow op do you think is the best to pursue?! Taking into consideration stealth (wires, light, heat, noise, etc), yield, cost to run, etc.

Here are the dimensions for the two systems i am debating over (pictures of each are attached as well):

Speaker's dimensions - 39" High x 15" wide x 10" Deep
PC dimensions - 24.5" High x 7.5" Wide x 16.5" Deep

Your input is appreciated. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
DO BOTH!!! Use the PC for vegging mothers and clones and use the speaker for flowering! You could produce a QP a month, at least per month if you do everything right!