Starting Grow Journal Blue Cheese

Luxury Tax

Hey whats up everybody? I am new to this forum and I am looking to begin a grow session. I plan on purchasing the items below and would like to know if they are good quality option. I am looking at a pair of lights on ebay which seem to come with a bunch of extras and the necessary parts. I am looking to yield anywhere from 7 to 15 o'z's. So your input on the amount of light i need is greatly appreciated.
This is the light source i will be purchasing, please let me know if this is enough to yield the amount i would like.

These are the seeds i look to purchase. One more question is how many do i need? I supposed 5 would be good but how much will that ultimately yield?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
it would be hard for any of us to predict how much you will yield but i am guessin you a newb so if you do your research then there is no reason why you can get near to ur 7oz target wiv eight plants. My advise wiv the blue cheese is make sure you give them plenty of time to veg, and wiv every strain make sure you watch your temps and dnt cut corners on the quality of nutes and soil dat is if u going organic. Good luck and let us knw how it goes